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Biannual meeting

Biannual meeting of UNDP ecosystem management and adaptation projects

Event details


May 30, 2012 09:45 AM to
May 31, 2012 09:45 AM


Sofia, Bulgaria

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SofiaThe ECIS biodiversity and ecosystem-based adaptation portfolio has a total of 40 ongoing projects and several projects under development. Expansion and increased effectiveness of national protected area systems remains the main area of intervention. About 80% of all biodiversity projects of UNDP in the region deal with protected areas. The cumulative effect of the ECIS natural resources portfolio on biodiversity and land status is substantial: UNDP projects have helped to establish over 30 protected areas (PAs), and has successfully enhanced capacities of about 100 other PAs. Over 50 mln ha have been targeted by BD mainstreaming activities, of which over 10 mln ha belong to biodiversity hotspots. There is progress in designing vulnerability assessments and tools for ecosystem based adaptation. By late 2011, sixteen projects went through final evaluations producing some generic lessons for the region. While over 80% of projects have been rated as satisfactory or highly satisfactory, one of the repeated comments emerging from many evaluations relates to weaknesses in the design of the logical frameworks, especially with a view to measuring the real conservation impact (be it on the species, or ecosystems level), as well as to actual tools involved in monitoring the success of the project. Clearly, this is one of the areas for UNDP improvement. This meeting brings together the front line force of UNDP ecosystem projects (BD and ecosystem based adaptation) in order to present and brainstorm on lessons learnt, with a view to help improve the design of UNDP projects, as well as train the project managers in better design, analysis, monitoring and reporting on conservation impact of the projects which they manage.

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