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The 4th Meeting of Joint Mongolian-Russian environmental protection commission was held in the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation

28 November 2014 Moscow, Russia

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Nov 28, 2014 07:30 AM to
Jan 15, 2015 07:30 AM


Moscow, Russia

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The 4th Meeting of Joint Mongolian-Russian environmental protection commission was held in the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation

The Russian delegation was headed by Deputy Director of Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resource Usage, Co-Chair of the Commission - Amirkhan Amirkhanov. The Mongolian delegation was headed by Director of the Department of Public Policy and Regulation of the Ministry of Environment and Green Development of Mongolia - Narantsetseg Dugersuren.

The participants of the meeting discussed a number of transboundary issues, including ones related to the cooperation between Russia and Mongolia in the field of Water industry and Forestry, development of the system of specially protected areas (PAs), joint monitoring and control of migratory animals.

According to Amirkhan Amirkhanov, the issue of establishing of transboundary protected areas, particularly the reserve "Istoki Amura" - is a priority activity of the Commission. The planned reserve should include the State Nature Biosphere Reserve "Sokhondinsky" (Russia, Zabaikalsky krai) and the National Park "Onon-Baldzinsky" (Mongolia). The draft agreement on the establishment of the reserve "Istoki Amura" was approved by the Federal Government (Order 09.03.2013 № 323-p).

Amirkhan Amirkhanov said: "The creation of the Russian-Mongolian transboundary reserve "Istoki Amura" will provide additional opportunities for the conservation of biological and landscape diversity of the southern Trans-Baikal area in the source of Amur river basins, will contribute to the development of scientific research and environmental monitoring".

The participants stressed the need to accelerate the signing of a draft intergovernmental agreement on the establishment of "Istoki Amura". A. Amirhanov, in turn, said that the Russian side has all necessary documentation ready to signing.

In addition, the Russian side has proposed the establishment of transboundary reserve on the basis of the national park "Saylyugemsky" (the Russian Federation) and the National Park "Siylhem" (Mongolia).

As part of the work aimed at the preservation of transboundary populations and groups of rare and endangered wildlife, the parties took a decision to establish a joint working group for development of a program for the conservation of argali in the Russian-Mongolian transboundary area.

Taking into account the decisions adopted at the end of negotiations within the 18 meeting of the Joint Russian-Mongolian Intergovernmental Committee and by the end of the work of the Commission, the parties reached an agreement on the organization of a joint meeting in the first half of 2015. This meeting will be dedicated to the informational interchange, relating to assess the environmental impact of the project of “Shuren” hydroelectric power plant on Selenga river.

The meeting, which was held on 27-28 November 2014, was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation, the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resource Usage (RPN), the Federal Water Resources Agency, the Government of the Republic of Buryatia and the regional branch of the RPN, FSBI All-Russian Institute for Nature Protection,    A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, FSBI National Park “Tunkinsky”, FSBI National Park “Saylyugemsky”, World Wildlife Fund, UNDP-GEF "Integrated Natural Resource Management in the Baikal Basin Transboundary Ecosystem".

The results, implemented in 2014 by the project UNDP-GEF "Integrated Natural Resource Management in the Baikal Basin Transboundary Ecosystem" was reported during the 4th Meeting was reported by Project Manager, Sergey Kudelya.


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