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Heritage Interpretation Training Seminar for NAI Certified Interpretive Guides

29 September 2014 Tankhoi, Buryatia, Russia

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Sep 29, 2014 05:35 AM to
Jan 09, 2015 05:35 AM


Tankhoi, Buryatia, Russia

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The workshop was targeted on strengthening and expanding interpretive skills, learn some additional interpretive techniques, explore ways to lead effective training seminars for colleagues, and together make plans for continuing to build a network of professional interpreters in Siberia.

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XIVth Baikal International Festival of Documentary and Popular-Science Films "PEOPLE AND ENVIRONMENT"

29 September 2014 Irkutsk, Russia

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Sep 29, 2014 05:30 AM to
Jan 09, 2015 05:30 AM


29 September 2014 Irkutsk, Russia

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The XIVth Baikal International Festival of Documentary and Popular-Science Films "PEOPLE AND ENVIRONMENT" that took place in Irkutsk on 29 September 2015.

The film festival "PEOPLE AND ENVIRONMENT" was conceived by the organizers as a platform to make people think about inter-relations between mankind and nature.

The Festival aims at raising environmental awareness by means of cinematography.

Source (photo and text):

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The Baikal Olympiad for schoolchildren

28 September 2014 Pribaikalskii district, Buryatia, Russia

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Sep 28, 2014 05:25 AM to
Jan 09, 2015 05:25 AM


Pribaikalskii district, Buryatia, Russia

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XII Baikal Olympiad for schoolchildren was traditionally organized on the shoreline of Lake Baikal in children educational center “Baikalskie volny”. The purpose of the Olympiad is to determine the knowledge level of schoolchildren about the Lake, drawing attention to the environmental problems.

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International research-to-practice environmental conference “Natural objects and eco-tourism”

25 August 2014 Gremyachinsk, Buryatia, Russia

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Aug 25, 2014 05:25 AM to
Jan 09, 2015 05:25 AM


Gremyachinsk, Buryatia, Russia

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The International research-to-practice environmental conference “Natural objects and eco-tourism” was attended by the specialists of Moscow State University, Buryat State University  and professors of Serbia and Switzerland. The topic of the conference is development of the eco-tourism in protected areas.

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The 3rd International Forum “Baikal dialogue”

21 August 2014 Gremyachinsk, Buryatia, Russia

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Aug 21, 2014 05:20 AM to
Jan 09, 2015 05:20 AM


Gremyachinsk, Buryatia, Russia

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The 3rd International Forum “Baikal dialogue” was held on  21-25 August 2014 in Ulan-Ude and Gremyachinsk (Russia). The perspectives of Baikal region development were discussed on the Forum, as well as issues of international collaboration to preserve the unique ecosystem of Lake Baikal.


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Educational learning kit “Baikal treasure” was presented during international workshop

26 July 2014 Gremyachinsk, Buryatia, Russia

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Jul 26, 2014 05:15 AM to
Jan 09, 2015 05:15 AM


Gremyachinsk, Buryatia, Russia

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The workshop “Environmental education in lakes areas: practical experience and innovation technologies” took place on Baikal shore 26 – 28 July to present the English version of Educational learning kit “Baikal treasure”. The workshop was supported by United Nations Development Program (Moscow), the project GEF/ UNDP/ UNOPS and Global Nature Fund (Radolfzel, Germany).

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Field trip to Ushkanii islands, Lake Baikal.

25 July 2014 Lake Baikal, Buryatia

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Jul 25, 2014 05:10 AM to
Jan 09, 2015 05:10 AM


Lake Baikal, Buryatia

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The field trip was organized to observe the route to the seasonal haul for the Baikal seal on the island Tonkii. (Ushkanii Islands), which is located on the territory of the Zabaikalsky National Park. The eco-trail was constructed in the frameworks of the Project activities.

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Steering committee meeting

24 July 2014 Gremyachinsk, Buryatia, Russia

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Jul 24, 2014 05:10 AM to
Jan 09, 2015 05:10 AM


Gremyachinsk, Buryatia, Russia

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The Third regional Steering committee meeting of UNDP-GEF Project “Integrated Natural Resource Management in the Baikal Basin Transboundary Ecosystem” was held on 24 July 2014 in Gremyachinsk (Buryatia), Russia.

The purpose of the Third Steering committee meeting:

Presentation of results, achieved by the Project in 2013, work plan and budget of 2014; consideration of the Project mid-term evaluation, made by an independent international expert; consideration of development progress of SAP for the lake Baikal basin and discussion of enhancement of international cooperation in the field of use and protection of transboundary water resources between Russia and Mongolia.

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International research-to-practice environmental conference with participation of Russian and Mongolian environmental community

23 July 2014 Gremyachinsk, Buryatia, Russia

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Jul 23, 2014 05:10 AM to
Jul 24, 2014 05:10 AM


Gremyachinsk, Buryatia, Russia

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The purpose of the conference is to bring together the efforts of the specialists and scientists of Russia and Mongolia in the field of protection and rational use of natural resources in the basin of Lake Baikal, creation of the basis for decision making. The participants of the conference are representatives of the Central Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resource Usage and its territorial branches, scientific institutions and NGOs of Baikal region.

During the conference the challenges of the sanitary and epidemiological safety of transboundary water bodies were discussed. The current state and the ways of improvement of the legal and the institutional basis of collaboration between Russia and Mongolia in the field of preservation and sustainable development of transboundary water resources.




Download conference resolution

Download - covering letter

Internal links:[tt_news]=35013

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The ecological volunteer camp “Save Baikal”

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Jul 15, 2014 06:25 AM to
Aug 15, 2014 06:25 AM


Lake Baikal, Russia

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Annually the UNDP-GEF Baikal Project supports different environmental awareness campaigns for the general public, school children and tourists. In July and August 2012, 2013 and 2014 the ecological volunteer camp “Save Baikal” served about 30 km of Lake Baikal shoreline. The main goal of this camp is to raise awareness and knowledge about sustainable water use and waste management among the local population and tourists through hands-on, service oriented actions such as cleaning up litter clogged riparian zones. See below the short video about this event.

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OECD coordination group meeting

04 July 2014 Ulan-Ude, Russia

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Jul 04, 2014 05:05 AM to
Jan 09, 2015 05:05 AM


Ulan-Ude, Russia

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The instruments for water resources management were discussed during the meeting. Best practices of international experiences and brief summary were presented

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International Academic Conference on Applied and Fundamental Studies “Environmental Ethics and Sustainable Development Technologies in the XXI Century”

30 June 2014 Ulan-Ude, Russia

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Jun 30, 2014 05:00 AM to
Jan 09, 2015 05:00 AM


Ulan-Ude, Russia

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The conference is the preliminary stage to the World UNESCO Conference on Education for Sustainable Development Learning Today for Sustainable Future, which is to take place in November 10-12, Aichi-Nagoya, Japan.

The conference is supposed to focus on issues of environmental ethics, education for sustainable development, globalization, noosphere conscience development, cultural values preservation, hermeneutical methodology, sustainable development technologies at Baikal territory and other issues.

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Workshop, devoted sanitary and epidemiological monitoring

20 June 2014 Istomino, Buryatia, Russia

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Jun 20, 2014 04:55 AM to
Jan 09, 2015 04:55 AM


Istomino, Buryatia, Russia

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The issues of estimation of epidemiological risk of pollution of transboundary waters to the health of population were discussed during the workshop.

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Russian Eco-week

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May 17, 2014 02:20 AM to
May 21, 2014 02:20 AM



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The second Eco-week was held on 17-21 May 2014 on the Red Square, Moscow. This project includes an installation on the central square of the capital some objects: ecological pavilions, demonstrating new technologies and innovations, art and cinema, spherical cinema, eco-market etc.

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Meeting with representatives of the Ministry of Environment and Green Development of Mongolia

29 April 2014 Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

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Apr 29, 2014 06:00 AM to
Jan 08, 2015 06:00 AM


Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

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The Meeting with representatives of the Ministry of Environment and Green Development of Mongolia was held on 29-30 April 2014. The Project Manager met the Head of the National Water Committee, Mr. Badrakh Tsend.

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Baikal treasure learning kit presentation in Mongolia

28 April 2014 Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

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Apr 28, 2014 05:25 AM to
Jan 08, 2015 05:25 AM


Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

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The educational workshop for presentation of learning kit “Baikal treasure” was organized on 26-30 April 2014 in Ulan-Bator. Four authors of the learning kit participated in preparation of the workshop. More than 70 participants attended the workshop.

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Workshop of Benefits of Transboundary Water Cooperation

22 April 2014 Geneva, Switzerland

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Apr 22, 2014 04:55 AM to
Jan 09, 2015 04:55 AM


Geneva, Switzerland

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The workshop provided a platform to:

Discuss between stakeholders with different backgrounds (water practitioners, politicians, parliamentarians, journalists, researchers...) the benefits of transboundary water cooperation and how benefits assessment can support the transboundary water cooperation processes;

Share experiences, good practices, challenges faced and lessons learned on the identification, assessment and communication of the wide range of benefits that can be generated by transboundary water cooperation;

Support the further development of the draft Policy Guidance Note on identifying, assessing and communicating the benefits of transboundary water cooperation.

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Seminar of heads of municipal authorities and managers of protected areas of the Baikal region (18 Apr 2014)

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Apr 18, 2014
from 09:25 AM to 09:25 AM

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During the workshop a wide range of problems was discussed. The problems are associated with the solution of socio-economic and environmental problems in the coastal areas of the Baikal region. The need was confirmed for a close and continuing coordination of municipal authorities as the closest level management interacts with the public.

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Drawing and essay writing competition

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Apr 15, 2014 05:10 AM to
Dec 18, 2014 05:10 AM

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Every year the world water day is celebrated on March 22nd, 2014. In the frameworks of this event and in cooperation with UNDP-GEF Project “Integrated Natural Resource Management in the Baikal Basin Transboundary Ecosystem”, Orkhon River Basin Authority organized essay writing competition on topics “Water conservation” for senior students of 9-12th grade, “Who knows Ugiinuur the best?” for students 7-8th grade and drawing competition on topics “Water-precious thing” for 4-6th grade students among secondary school children of Erdenebulgan and Ugiinuur soums. Totally 45 students participated in 3 competitions.

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Brief introduction of “Ugii” lake and cleaning campaign round the lake

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Apr 15, 2014 04:55 AM to
Apr 18, 2014 04:55 AM

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In 1998, the lake “Ugii” was inscribed in Ramsar convention. The lake is located on Orkhon river basin with coastal area of 2510 hectares which consists of slushy ground surrounded by grassland. The lake is natural scenic place, which has numerous rivers and ponds as well as bog with alluvium stream on the west.

Total area of the lake is approx. 50km2 and length of the coastal line is 24.7 km. Maximum depth of the lake is 15.3 m and total volume is 147.9m3.

Cleaning campaign was organized around the “Ugii” lake on 20-21 March, 2014 under the financial support of UNDP-GEF Project “Integrated Natural Resource Management in the Baikal Basin Transboundary Ecosystem”

Totally 20 people and 2 trucks participated in the cleaning campaign and disposed 5 tons of garbage to local Ugiinuur soum’s dump.

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