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Training workshop for stakeholders

’’Awareness rising and management improvement in the field of environmental problems of Lake Baikal Basin and the role of green economy in their solving’’

Event details


Jul 30, 2013 02:20 AM to
Aug 02, 2013 02:20 AM



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The seminar “Environmental problems of Lake Baikal Basin and role of green economy in their solving” was held from July 30 – August 02, 2013.

Basin-specific National Capacity Self -Assessments were carried out and used to identify highest priority training and management support at the regional and basin level. Training services were delivered to key stakeholders on the topics of: environmental impact assessment (EIA) development, industrial and mining site inspection, intercalibration of water quality / aquatic system laboratories and training in bioassay techniques, and utilization of geographic information systems (GIS) for mapping threats to ground and surface water resources, enforcement of water quality and biodiversity regulations.

This training program was focused on supporting the implementation of the Baikal / Selenga SAP. Training targeted the range of key actors, including:

  • Staff positions in the organizations most immediately responsible for watershed and basin-wide management of the Baikal Basin’s aquatic ecosystems in both Russia and Mongolia.
  • Academic experts in hydrology, aquatic ecosystems and biodiversity, mining, fisheries, and tourism.
  • Leading civil society organizations with recognized partnership roles in sustainable management.
  • Leading consultancies/organizations who actually elaborate EIA reports on the Russian side of the Baikal Basin.

Holding of seminar “Environmental problems and role of green economy in their solving” in Buryatia, which goes within the scope of Outcome 2.3, for specialists of Ministry of nature resources of Buryatia and Ministry of environment and green development of Mongolia helped to develop practical recommendations for consolidation of state, society and business efforts for mutual solving of ecological problems and rising of ecological security of nature resources use.

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