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Assisting in the development of international cooperation (meetings in Mongolia)

The project supported the Russian-Mongolian meetings in Mongolia, dedicated to various issues of management of transboundary water resources.

1) The Russian-Mongolian meeting to exchange information on the assessment  of environmental impact of the project of Shuren hydroelectric station and other hydro-technical utilities on Selenga (30-31 March 2015).

2) The meeting of the Joint Working Group on the implementation of the Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of Mongolia on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Waters (28-29 April 2015).

3) The Meeting of Plenipotentiaries of the Russian and Mongolian governments on the implementation of the Russian and Mongolian inter-governmental Agreement on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Waters (28-31 October 2015).

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Shoreline cleanup campaigns on Baikal and Selenga

The project "Save Baikal" has been supported by the Lake Baikal project. From June to September 2015 it included a wide range of educational and practical activities, such as work on cleaning, monitoring of areas, educational events among the local population and visitors.

As part of 2015 season of "Save Baikal" the works included cleaning up the shores of Lake Baikal and Selenga, including 4 areas, covering a total of 140 km of coastline and the forest zone (Irkutsk region, Buryatia, Mongolia), as well as a number of related activities.
During the season 2015 the area of ​​about 5 square kilometers has been cleaned.

The length of shoreline cleaned: Irkutsk region: 40km, Republic of Buryatia: 80 km, Selenga: 2 km, Mongolia: 4 km. It was collected more than 1,000 cubic meters of garbage (1300 bags of 200 liters each + other garbage).

Download final report

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Development of eco-tourism in Pribaikalsky National Park

This work was performed as part of the Lake Baikal project component 3.3, for protected area “Zapovednoe Pribaikal’e”, which consists of the Baikal-Lena protected area and national park. The purpose of this study was the inclusion of controls ecosystem health and biodiversity in the planning organization of tourism, creation of conditions for the development of ecotourism in the reserve that is compatible with biodiversity.

It has produced compatible with biodiversity ecotourism plan for cape Khoboy (unique tourist site on Olkhon island, Lake Baikal, within the territory of Pribaikalsky National Park), set viewing platform developed information signs.

As part of the work, on the sand-bank "Khanhoyskaya" small reservation was created to preserve populations of rare plants included in the Red List of Irkutsk Oblast (2010).

Download 082 report

Document Actions

Guide to developing sustainable tourism in protected areas “Practical, profitable, protected” in Russian

The project prepared and published the Russian version of the guide to developing sustainable tourism in protected areas.

It contains ideas, case studies, guidelines and tips to help conservation, businesses, host communities and visitors all become winners. This manual is an initiative of ECEAT International, the European Centre for Eco and Agro Tourism in partnership with the EuropArC Federation. The manual was produced by EuropArC Consulting GmbH, ECEAT – projects and Lauku Ceļotājs, the Latvian Country Tourism Association.

This book is a practical manual on how to develop and manage tourism in protected areas. It is for all those responsible for the management of protected areas as tourism destinations. These include not only protected-area managers but also local authorities, tourism promotion agencies and tourism business associations. It focuses on protected areas that are in an early stage of their tourism development and wish to do this in a well-planned and sustainable manner.

Download “Practical, profitable, protected” in Russian

Document Actions

The film about Baikal biosphere Reserve

A state environmental service was established on Lake Baikal in 1917. In modern time, there are the largest reserves and national parks of the country. The documentary "Baikal reserve" represents the history and modern achievements of the Baikal biosphere reserve, which became a pioneer in the development of ecological tourism in Russia.

The film was made for demonstration to the guests of the Baikal nature reserve, showing at national and international events and meetings. It presents the history and the present of the country's largest nature reserve. The film was made in the short and full versions in English and Russian.

View (Russian):

View (English):

Document Actions

Monitoring of the water resources quality of the Selenga river Delta

The purpose of this work was to study the physical, chemical and biological processes in the Selenga River delta in the regime of monitoring and evaluation of water quality in the modern period. The modern methods were used to determine the chemical composition, the sanitary-microbiological and hydrobiological state of fresh water.

As a result of the research obtained the data characterizing the formation of the Selenga River runoff in the lower reaches, the spatial dynamics of pH, dissolved oxygen, nutrients, organic matter, main ions, heavy metals, bacterial plankton and phytoplankton have been defined in the water of the main ducts of the Selenga river Delta. The quality of water has been estimated using chemical, sanitary, microbiological and hydro biological parameters.

Download final report

Download the third annual report

Document Actions

Prediction of water balance changes in the Selenga river basin

Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University created a database for modeling of pollutants transport into the waters of the Lake Baikal basin. On this basis setting up of the model of pollution transport and water balance in the Lake Baikal basin has been made.

As the final step of this work, the predictive assessment of long-term water balance changes in the transboundary basin of Selenga was prepared in terms of climatic fluctuations and changes in the characteristics of water usage.

The solution of these problems allows carrying out early and timely notification to alert downstream users about the cases of threats of distribution of contaminants to prevent them and to take the necessary security measures. The model is able to predict the changes in hydrological characteristics under different anthropogenic loads on the Lake Baikal basin, as well on the lake itself, which is a World Heritage Site.

Download report 085 - Water balance projection

Document Actions

Publication of The Ecological Atlas of the Baikal basin in three languages

One of the essential works is the development and production of Russian-Mongolian "The Ecological Atlas of the Baikal basin", which consists of 132 maps with different environmental information. The Atlas combines the latest information about the nature, resources and status of territories of the Lake Baikal watershed. It will help to solve many economic and environmental objectives and to justify the direction of ecologically balanced, harmonious and sustainable territorial development of the region. Atlas is published in three languages: Russian, Mongolian and English.


The Ecological Atlas of the Baikal Basin (Eng)

The Ecological Atlas of the Baikal Basin (Rus)

The Ecological Atlas of the Baikal Basin (Mng)

Document Actions

Preparation and approval of the Strategic Action Programme

In 2015 the Russian and Mongolian experts completed two-year work on the Strategic Action Programme (SAP) under the direction of environmental ministries of the Russian Federation and Mongolia.

The Strategic Action Programme was endorsed by the governments of Russia and Mongolia in October 2015.

SAP aims to mitigate threats to the ecosystem of Lake Baikal basin. This program includes the Russian-Mongolian joint actions to strengthen the protection of the ecosystem of Lake Baikal Basin.

The program is also an important final stage of the Baikal Project.
SAP provides a framework for coordinated policy actions to protect biodiversity and natural resources of the Lake Baikal transboundary basin. Threats to terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems of the Baikal Basin have been identified and ranked by Russia and Mongolia in the development process of the Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis. This SAP provides a systematic approach to the control and prevention of such threats through a process of technical and strategic actions taken by the Governments of Mongolia and Russia.

Download the SAP (English)

Download the SAP (Russian)

Download the SAP (Mongolian)

Document Actions

Film about the Lake Baikal project: “Russia, Mongolia, GEF – Investing In Lake Baikal”

During the 4-years period of implementation of the GEF Lake Baikal Project the significant results have been achieved and appreciated by the governments of Russia and Mongolia. The film reveals the meaning and significance of the project efforts, describes specific events and important milestones, reports about the activities undertaken, new initiatives and published documents. The viewer should get a complete picture of the goals, objectives, sense of the project activities in transboundary water basin of Lake Baikal.

All results are available in three languages ​​and are part of a single knowledge base, opened to all interested parties after the end of the project. The project prepared and published dozens of brochures, books and guidelines that have filled libraries of various organizations in Russia and Mongolia and have become the basis of current knowledge about the ecosystem of Lake Baikal.


View on YouTube (Russian):

View on YouTube (English):

View on YouTube (Mongolian):


Download film (Russian):

Download film (English):

Download film (Mongolian):


View short version on YouTube (Russian):

View short version on YouTube (English):


Report: - Investing in Baikal- film.pdf/view


Document Actions

2012-2015 Summary

Report on the implementation of UNDP-GEF Project "Integrated Natural Resource Management in the Baikal Basin Transboundary Ecosystem" in 2012-2015.

In accordance with the working plan approved by Steering Committee and within the scope of the Lake Baikal Project it was implemented 96 works. These works were performed by different organizations.

The project participated and assisted in organization of various activities that meet project goals and objectives.

In total, during 2012-2015 period, the staff of the PMU took part in 124 such events and meetings. Information about the project has been published in more than 240 different sources.

Approved budget for 2012 year was realized by 95%

Approved budget for 2013 year was realized by 99%

Approved budget for 2014 year was realized by 96%

Approved budget for 2015 year was realized by 95%


Download the Q1 2015 Report

Download the Q1 2015 Report (Rus)

Download the Q2 2015 Report

Download the Q2 2015 Report (Rus)

Donwload the Q3 2015 Report

Download UNDP Q3 2015 Report (Rus)

Document Actions

IX International conference "Rivers of Siberia and the Far East"

Event details


Nov 10, 2015 07:15 AM to
Nov 11, 2015 07:15 AM


Russia, Irkutsk

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IX International conference "Rivers of Siberia and the Far East" was held on 10-11 November 2015.
Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of Irkutsk region, Oleg Kravchuk said: "The support of scientific community, research institutions, environmental NGOs and water users allows us to confidently form a position to address emerging issues for sustainable development and conservation of rivers and lakes biodiversity."

The conference participants discussed many issues such as environmental regulation of acceptable impacts, conservation of rivers and lakes biodiversity, the protection of certain species of fish, the problems of the Baikal-Angara-Yenisei basin, as well as problems in the mining industry.



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The International Project Management Day

Event details


Nov 05, 2015
from 06:40 AM to 06:40 AM

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The International Project Management Day​ has been designated to raise awareness within project based organizations like UNOPS about the value a professional project manager brings to it. It is a space of recognition and acknowledgment for project managers and project teams. Held every year on the first Thursday of November, this year will be celebrated on November 5th.

As part of this event, the online session was organized by UNOPS. In report Sergey Kudelya told about Knowledge Management (“Knowledge management for environment and natural resources in UNOPS/UNDP/GEF projects”).

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XII Meeting of Plenipotentiaries of the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of Mongolia on implementation of the Agreement on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Waters

Event details


Oct 28, 2015 08:25 AM to
Oct 30, 2015 08:25 AM


Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar

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28-30 October 2015 in Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia) took place XII Meeting of Plenipotentiaries
of the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of Mongolia on implementation of the Agreement on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Waters. The Russian delegation was headed by Marina Seliverstova, the Plenipotentiary of the Government of the Russian Federation, Head of the Federal Agency for Water Resources.

Within the framework of the meeting, the conference "Selenga - river without borders" was organized. The conference was dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the signing of the Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of Mongolia on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Waters (1995). The reports on the history of water relations between the two countries and the current state of water resources of transboundary Selenga river, with a particular attention to climate change. Sergey Kudelya, Project Manager of the UNDP-GEF Lake Baikal Project, presented the results of the project and the unique edition of "Environmental Atlas of basin of Lake Baikal". The final version of the Strategic Action Programme was approved during the meeting.

Document Actions

The first International Baikal Ecological Forum "Clean Planet"

Event details


Oct 03, 2015 04:55 AM to
Oct 04, 2015 04:55 AM


Irkutsk, Russia

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The venue chosen for the Forum is Irkutsk. Irkutsk is located next to the unique Lake Baikal, which is UNESCO World heritage site. Lake Baikal is a part of the Baikal natural territory, which is located on the territory of the Republic of Buryatia, the Irkutsk region, the Zabaikalsky krai.
12 protected areas, including 3 nature reserves, 2 national parks, 6 nature sanctuaries directly adjoin to the coast of Lake Baikal. In addition to them, another 23 protected areas there and more than 400 monuments of nature located on the Baikal natural territory. The area of ​​the Baikal natural territory is of 386 000 square kilometer.
As many global environmental problems are transboundary, the chain of issues will be discussed in the framework of the I Baikal International Environmental Forum: the pressing problems of the region associated with the implementation of the activities of the Baikal nature territory, exchange of experience, best practices in environmental preservation and management.


Document Actions

XV Meeting of geographers of Siberia and Russian Far East

Event details


Sep 10, 2015 04:00 AM to
Sep 14, 2015 04:00 AM


Russia, Ulan-Ude

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The XV Meeting of Geographers of Siberia and Russian Far East "Geographical, socio-economic, environmental and ethno-cultural factors of development of the eastern territories of Russia" took place on 10-14 September for the first time in Ulan-Ude.

Scientists spoke about the urgent problems of geographical science, economic and geopolitical factors of Russia, the current state of the environment and the socio-economic development of Siberia in the early twenty-first century, the role of geography in the study of the eastern territories of Russia and affected many other important issues.

Before the plenary session the presentation of the Ecological Atlas of the Lake Baikal basin was made. A few copies of the Atlas were handed over to representatives of universities, libraries, museums and conservation agencies.

During the meeting a round table was organized, where the program of the improvement of electronic topographic map of the XXI century was discussed.

The organizers of the XV Meeting of Geographers of Siberia and the Russian Far East were: Buryat branch of the Russian Geographical Society, Baikal Institute of Nature Management (Ulan-Ude), Institute of Geography (Irkutsk), Pacific Institute of Geography RAS, Buryat State University. The XV meeting was also supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the UNDP-GEF project "Integrated Natural Resource Management in the Baikal Basin Transboundary Ecosystem".

Document Actions

The International conference “Ecosystems in Central Asia in modern social and economic conditions

Event details


Sep 08, 2015 08:40 AM to
Sep 10, 2015 08:40 AM


Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar

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The conference took place on 08-10 September 2015 in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. The main topics of the conference are: ecosystem biodiversity, modern processes of transformation of soil cover, modern state of the protected areas and its development.

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The 4th International forum “Baikal dialogue” in Chita.

Event details


Aug 23, 2015 08:25 AM to
Aug 24, 2015 08:25 AM


Russia, Chita

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The purpose of the forum – is creation of a discussion platform for government agencies, NGOs, commercial and non-commercial sector, scientific organizations of Irkutsk region, Zabaikalsky krai and Buryatia. It is expected, that forum provides the basis for sustainable development and preservation of lake Baikal.


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World Water Week in Stockholm

Event details


Aug 23, 2015 07:25 AM to
Aug 28, 2015 07:25 AM


Sweden, Stockholm

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World Water Week is hosted and organized by Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) and has been the annual focal point for the globe’s water issues since 1991. The aim of World Water Week is building capacity, promoting partnership and reviewing implementation. World Water Week provides a unique forum for the exchange of views, experiences and practices between the scientific, business, policy and civic communities. It focuses on new thinking and positive action toward water-related challenges and their impact on the world’s environment, health, climate, economic and poverty reduction agendas by:
• Linking scientific understanding with policy and decision making to develop concrete solutions to water and development challenges.

• Fostering proactive partnerships and alliances between individuals and organizations from different fields of expertise.

• Highlighting ground-breaking research, best practices and innovative policy work by stakeholders and experts around the world and from multiple disciplines.

• Reviewing the implementation of actions, commitments and decisions in international processes and by different stakeholders in response to the challenges.

• Awarding outstanding achievements.

Sergey Kudelya presented his thesis about the Lake Baikal Project progress, the approach used and the main results.

Document Actions

The International geographical union regional conference in Moscow, 17-21 August 2015

Event details


Jul 17, 2015 09:50 AM to
Jul 21, 2015 09:50 AM


Russia, Moscow

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The program of the 2015 IGU Regional Conference is focused on diversity and interdisciplinary dialogue. It will include the following meeting formats:

  • sessions organized by IGU commissions;
  • sessions on relevant interdisciplinary themes proposed by groups of scholars;
  • thematic sessions devoted to IGU projects and to the role of geography in international
  • programs such as Future Earth;
  • plenary sessions and lectures by leading geographers as well as specialists from other earth sciences and the humanities;
  • lectures by practitioners from a wide variety of fields.

Geographical education and the integration of young scholars within the international geographical community are the main priorities for the IGU Regional Conference in Moscow.

The conference program will include two special events:
1. A day for young scholars with a competition for best presentation and other awards
2. A day for special sessions on “Academic Geography for Secondary Schools” and “Teaching Geography at the University.”

The conference will also host the International Geographical Olympiad.

The media project “Precious necklace of Baikal” was presented by Sergey Kudelya.

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