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“Precious necklace of Baikal” on Rostov TV

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May 25, 2015
from 09:30 AM to 09:30 AM


Russia, Rostov-on-Don

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Media project «Precious necklace of Baikal” was presented on TV-channel, All-Russia State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, Rostov-on-Don. The discussion of the new forms of ecological tourism in protected areas has been taken through the example of the Baikal region by way of the development of domestic tourism in Russia and dissemination of the experience of the Baikal region in the Rostov region and the South of Russia.

«Precious necklace of Baikal” in Russian

Trailer of «Precious necklace of Baikal” in Russian

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2nd Meeting for SAP development

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May 22, 2015
from 04:05 AM to 04:05 AM


Russia, Moscow

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The second meeting for Strategic Action Programme development within the framework of the Lake Baikal Project was held in Moscow on 22 May 2015.

The national coordinator of the Lake Baikal Project, acting Head of Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resource Usage, Amirkhan Amirkhanov opened the meeting. The discussion of the offered changes of actions and indicators of the SAP was made by Russian and Mongolian experts together with international SAP consultant, Paul Gremillion. The conclusion on the work implemented, on interaction of the Russian and Mongolian experts with profile country ministries was made by the project manager, Sergey Kudelya.

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The meeting of the Joint working group for implementation of the Intergovernmental Agreement (Russia and Mongolia) for transboundary water preservation and usage.

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Apr 28, 2015 09:55 AM to
Apr 29, 2015 09:55 AM


Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar

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In accordance with the Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of Mongolia for transboundary water preservation and usage, which was signed on 16 Feb 1995 (and by invitation of Mongolian side), the meeting was held on 28-29 April 2015 in Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia).

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Ecological film festival “Meridian Nadezhdyi”

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Apr 24, 2015 08:45 AM to
May 15, 2015 08:45 AM


Russia, St. Petersburg

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The Fifth All-Russian ecological film festival “Meridian Nadezhdyi” has finished in St. Petersburg. The official ceremony was in the film art centre “Rodina”.

The award panel has determined the best films, which was awarded with the diplomas of the film festival and special prizes, manufactured in china workshop of Russian Academy of Education, under auspices of academician Lev Solodkov.

As part of competitive program, People's Choice Award was given to the documentary “Baikal without boundaries” (Rostov-on-Don) and «The Amur leopard. Struggle for the taiga throne».

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The workshop of municipalities of Pribaikalye and heads of the protected areas (2015).

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Apr 23, 2015
from 10:15 AM to 10:15 AM


Russia, Elantsy

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The workshop of municipalities of Pribaikalye and heads of the protected areas “About the implementation of the Federal special purpose programme “The preservation of Lake Baikal and social and economic development of the Baikal natural area for 2012-2020 and integrated natural resource management in the Baikal basin transboundary ecosystem” was held on 23 April 2015. The report on the implementation of the Lake Baikal project and the presentation of media-project “Precious necklace of Baikal” were made by Sergey Kudelya. In the organization of the event took part the Ministries of Natural Resources of Buryatia and the Irkutsk Region, Baikal Institute of Nature Management SB RAS and the Administration of municipality “Olkhonsky district” of the Irkutsk Region.

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Official visit of the delegation of the Republic of Buryatia in Ust’-Ordynski national district and Olkhonsky district of the Irkutsk Region.

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Apr 23, 2015 10:50 AM to
Apr 24, 2015 10:50 AM


Russia, Olkhon

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During the official visit the information about the implementation of the Federal special purpose programme “The preservation of Lake Baikal and social and economic development of the Baikal natural area for 2012-2020” was presented by Ministers of natural resources of Buryatia and the Irkutsk Region.

The progress of the Lake Baikal Project implementation was presented by the project Manager Sergey Kudelya. Director of Institute of Geography SB RAS told about the Baikal basin Atlas.

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Official visit of the delegation of Buryatia in districts of the Irkutsk Region

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Apr 23, 2015 06:05 AM to
Apr 24, 2015 06:05 AM


Russia, the Irkutsk Region

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The official visit of the delegation of Buryatia in Ust-Ordynsky national district and in Olkhonsky district of the Irkutsk Region was held on 23-24 April 2015. In the delegation were representatives of the Government of Buryatia, Project Manager of Lake Baikal Project Sergey Kudelya, Member of the Council of the Federation Arnold Tulokhonov, Deputy Director of BINM SB RAS Endon Garmaev.

The implementation of Federal Special Purpose Program for Lake Baikal, the information about the implementation of the Lake Baikal Project were discussed. The film “Precious Necklace of Baikal” was presented.

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The 7th World Water Forum

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Apr 13, 2015
from 09:30 AM to 09:30 AM


Korea, Daegu

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In 2015, the World Water Forum, the largest water-related event in the world took place in Daegu & Gyeongbuk of Korea. The World Water Forum is a large-scale international conference that is held every three years since 1997 in cooperation with the public, private sectors, academia, and industries. It was first launched in an effort to facilitate international discussions on global water challenges.

The objectives of the session are to identify the current situation of trans-boundary ecosystem management, to explore the opportunity to develop joint project among those countries. The session is made to strengthen the partnership and share information on trans-boundary ecosystem management in the region to accomplish the proposed targets. The presentation of the major achievements of the Lake Baikal project was made by Sergey Kudelya.

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The Strategic Action Programme Meeting

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Mar 31, 2015 03:55 AM to
Apr 01, 2015 03:55 AM


Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar

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The Strategic Action Programme (SAP) Development Meeting was organized in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia on 31 March – 01 April 2015. SAP consultants and Lake Baikal Project technical team took part in this event.

The activities to be conducted for updating SAP and deadlines were discussed.

The next day was dedicated to the Work Group Meeting in expanded format, including representatives of natural resources ministries, Mongolia and Russia. The role of ministries in SAP endorsement and implementation was discussed; review of targets, strategic actions was made.

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The joint Russian-Mongolian meeting

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Mar 30, 2015 10:20 AM to
Mar 31, 2015 10:20 AM


Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar

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The joint Russian-Mongolian meeting, specially organized to share and exchange information about transboundary water and environmental issues in regard to the implementation of the protocol of 4th meeting of the commission of the Governments of Russia and Mongolia in the sphere of environmental cooperation. The joint meeting was organized in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia on 30-31 March 2015. The delegation of the Lake Baikal project took part in this event.

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Tender RFQ_GPSO_2015_086 (IWC-78317) “The Baikal Project results video production”, application period: 26 Mar 2015 - 15 Apr 2015

PDF document icon RFQ_GPSO_2015_086 26-Mar-2015 - Project Results video.pdf — PDF document, 205 kB (210503 bytes)

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World Water Day, 22 March 2015, Lake Baikal

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Mar 22, 2015
from 02:45 PM to 02:45 PM

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The Baikal Project presents a short World Water Day 2015 video message. Special acknowledgements to the administration and local environmental inspectors of protected area “Zapovednoye Podlemorye” who created amazing the GEF logo from ice directly on Lake Baikal (53°25'29.8699999"N, 108°58'53.94000000"E). You can try to find this sculpture using Google or Yandex maps. Also we express our sincere gratitude for production of this video to our partner Atlas Media Studio Co., Ltd.

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World water day, Mongolia

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Mar 22, 2015
from 08:55 AM to 08:55 AM


Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar

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Every year the world water day is celebrated on March 22nd. In the frame of this event, with the support of UNDP-GEF Project “Integrated Natural Resource Management in the Baikal Basin Transboundary Ecosystem” project the Orkhon River Basin Council organized the meeting on the theme issues regarding development of the IWRM in Mongolia and introduce the Mongolian Hydrologists Association among the water sector and administrative organizations as MEGDT. Totally 25 persons participated in the meeting. The meeting opened by the National Water Committee, Secretary General Ts.Badrakh The Head of the Yenisei Basin Water Management, Federal water resources agency of the Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk, Russia Mr. Vladimir K. Blagov.

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The presentation of the media project “Precious necklace of Baikal”

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Mar 11, 2015
from 09:30 AM to 09:30 AM


Russia, Ulan-Ude

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The presentation of the media project “Precious necklace of Baikal” was held on 11 March 2015 in the government of Buryatia. The representatives of bodies of power, protected areas, mass media, tour operators, Rosprirodnadzor of Buryatia, the Irkutsk Region,Zabaykalsky Krai took part in this event. The purpose of this media project is informing of Russian citizens as well as international community about the state and touristic potential of the protected areas and national parks of the Baikal region. The main task – is to demonstrate the objects of unique flora and fauna, the peculiarities of wild landscape. Special focus will be on eco-trails, which give an opportunity to observe the protected area in a state of nature. Every protected area is presented in full-length HD film as well as separate video clip. A special edition of magazine “World of Baikal” is prepared, it contains the descriptions of all PAs of the Baikal region and the structure of eco routes over there. Both the film and the magazine are made in Russian and English.

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The online conference of Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation, dedicated to the development of ecotourism in the protected areas.

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Feb 26, 2015 06:30 AM to
Apr 01, 2015 06:30 AM


Russia, Moscow

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Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation organized the online conference “Protected areas as the key elements for ecotourism development in the Russian Federation” on 26 Feb 2015. The purpose of the conference – is to improve the efficiency of state policy in the environmental sphere. Rinat Gizatulin, deputry Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation made a welcome address. The reports were made by the heads the organization of ecotourism sphere, specialists and heads of the protected areas. The media-project “Precious necklace of Baikal” was presented by Sergey Kudelya, project manager of the lake Baikal project.

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Presentation of film “Precious necklace of Baikal” for the staff of Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resource Usage (Buryatia) and directors of Protected areas of Buryatia during the annual meeting of the Federal Service

Event details


Feb 12, 2015
from 10:15 AM to 10:15 AM


Russia, Ulan-Ude

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The documentary “Precious necklace of Baikal” was presented on the annual meeting of Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resource Usage (Buryatia). The meeting was dedicated to the discussion of the 2014 year’s results. The directors of protected areas of Buryatia took part in this meeting. Project Manager, Sergey Kudelya discussed the documentary with the audience. The participants highly appreciated the film and noted its importance for development of eco-tourism in Baikal region.

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Presentation of film “Baikal without boundaries” in the exhibition hall “Nagornaya”

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Jan 25, 2015 08:45 AM to
Mar 24, 2015 08:45 AM


Russia, Moscow

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On 25th of January 2015 in the state exhibition hall “Nagornaya” the number of ecological events under the common name “Baikal days” were organized by Lake Baikal Protection Fund.

A head of the project of popular scientific movies, film-maker Mikhail Chumak and national project technical director of the Lake Baikal Project Alexander Shekhovtsov told about the most important problems of Lake Baikal;

The documentary “Baikal without boundaries” was presented to the audience. After the presentation the discussion of the film has started.



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The 4th Meeting of Joint Mongolian-Russian environmental protection commission was held in the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation

28 November 2014 Moscow, Russia

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Nov 28, 2014 07:30 AM to
Jan 15, 2015 07:30 AM


Moscow, Russia

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The 4th Meeting of Joint Mongolian-Russian environmental protection commission was held in the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation

The Russian delegation was headed by Deputy Director of Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resource Usage, Co-Chair of the Commission - Amirkhan Amirkhanov. The Mongolian delegation was headed by Director of the Department of Public Policy and Regulation of the Ministry of Environment and Green Development of Mongolia - Narantsetseg Dugersuren.

The participants of the meeting discussed a number of transboundary issues, including ones related to the cooperation between Russia and Mongolia in the field of Water industry and Forestry, development of the system of specially protected areas (PAs), joint monitoring and control of migratory animals.

According to Amirkhan Amirkhanov, the issue of establishing of transboundary protected areas, particularly the reserve "Istoki Amura" - is a priority activity of the Commission. The planned reserve should include the State Nature Biosphere Reserve "Sokhondinsky" (Russia, Zabaikalsky krai) and the National Park "Onon-Baldzinsky" (Mongolia). The draft agreement on the establishment of the reserve "Istoki Amura" was approved by the Federal Government (Order 09.03.2013 № 323-p).

Amirkhan Amirkhanov said: "The creation of the Russian-Mongolian transboundary reserve "Istoki Amura" will provide additional opportunities for the conservation of biological and landscape diversity of the southern Trans-Baikal area in the source of Amur river basins, will contribute to the development of scientific research and environmental monitoring".

The participants stressed the need to accelerate the signing of a draft intergovernmental agreement on the establishment of "Istoki Amura". A. Amirhanov, in turn, said that the Russian side has all necessary documentation ready to signing.

In addition, the Russian side has proposed the establishment of transboundary reserve on the basis of the national park "Saylyugemsky" (the Russian Federation) and the National Park "Siylhem" (Mongolia).

As part of the work aimed at the preservation of transboundary populations and groups of rare and endangered wildlife, the parties took a decision to establish a joint working group for development of a program for the conservation of argali in the Russian-Mongolian transboundary area.

Taking into account the decisions adopted at the end of negotiations within the 18 meeting of the Joint Russian-Mongolian Intergovernmental Committee and by the end of the work of the Commission, the parties reached an agreement on the organization of a joint meeting in the first half of 2015. This meeting will be dedicated to the informational interchange, relating to assess the environmental impact of the project of “Shuren” hydroelectric power plant on Selenga river.

The meeting, which was held on 27-28 November 2014, was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation, the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resource Usage (RPN), the Federal Water Resources Agency, the Government of the Republic of Buryatia and the regional branch of the RPN, FSBI All-Russian Institute for Nature Protection,    A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, FSBI National Park “Tunkinsky”, FSBI National Park “Saylyugemsky”, World Wildlife Fund, UNDP-GEF "Integrated Natural Resource Management in the Baikal Basin Transboundary Ecosystem".

The results, implemented in 2014 by the project UNDP-GEF "Integrated Natural Resource Management in the Baikal Basin Transboundary Ecosystem" was reported during the 4th Meeting was reported by Project Manager, Sergey Kudelya.


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Festival of ecological films H2O: documentary “Baikal without boundaries”

11 October 2014 Ulan-Ude, Russia

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Oct 11, 2014 05:55 AM to
Jan 09, 2015 05:55 AM


Ulan-Ude, Russia

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The documentary “Baikal without boundaries” was created under order of UNDP and GEF. The cinema project raises completely new topic. This is a narration of what type of lands, rivers are the sources of Baikal water. The film is a fascinating journey over the center of Russian Siberia and Mongolian steppes. The route of cinema expedition is about of 10 000 km

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