You are here: Home / Results / Review and rank upgrade needs for Mongolian municipalities in Selenge River basin, including the identification of ongoing and planned water and sanitation projects, focusing on Kharaa River Basin pollution assessment (UNESCO 1.4)

Review and rank upgrade needs for Mongolian municipalities in Selenge River basin, including the identification of ongoing and planned water and sanitation projects, focusing on Kharaa River Basin pollution assessment (UNESCO 1.4)

The scope of the activities on the pollution assessment in the Selenge River Basin under Output 1.4 includes:

    1. A review and ranking of upgrade needs for Mongolian municipalities in Selenge River basin, including the identification of ongoing and planned water and sanitation projects, with regard to:

      • Water, sanitation and wastewater in main cities and municipalities;
      • Ongoing and planned water and sanitation projects;
      • Prevention, control and reduction of pollution from urban areas.

      2. A case-study on the assessment of pollution hotspots and pollution threats in the Kharaa River Basin, with a specific focus on:

        • Human impacts on water quality in the basin;
        • Major pollution threats to groundwater and surface water quality.
        • Pollution hotspots, including pollution sources and types and levels of selected main pollutants
        • Urban wastewater management, including the collection, treatment and disposal of municipal sewage, stormwater, urban runoff and solid waste;
        • Negative impacts of water pollution on the sustainability of water resources in the basin, as well as on human health and ecosystems.

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