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New tenders announcement

Dear colleagues!
We would like to inform you about new tenders:
1) RFQ_EMO_2012-031 "BIC information data exchange protocol Russia", application period: 2012 August 31 - 2012 September 15, .
2) RFQ_EMO_2012-032 «Biodiversity compatible recreational tourism plan for Zabaikalsky National Park», application period: 2012 August 31 - 2012 September,
Information on these tenders are published on our Website and also on UNOPS website . Organizations, which want to take part in tender, have to download pdf-file of RFQ  (​​Request for quotation). RFQ pdf-file contains terms and technical specification of work, as well as templates for financial justification and information on previous experience of the organization in this area (Annex 2,3).

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TDA Workshop

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Sep 18, 2012 07:00 AM to
Sep 19, 2012 03:30 PM

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A Workshop on transboundary diagnostic analysis will be held in Ulan-Ude on 18-19 September 2012. Executives of corresponding works from Russia and Mongolia, TDA leading expert Mrs. Saskia Marijnissen and also consultant on Pollution Hotspot Analysis will take part in the workshop.

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Press-conference on the Lake Baikal

Current problems of the project were covered by PM Sergey Kudelya.

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Aug 28, 2012
from 01:55 AM to 01:55 AM

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012MakshimikhaA briefing with representatives of central Mass-Media was conducted in Maksimiha (Buryatia, Barguzin district). Current problems of the project were covered by PM Sergey Kudelya.
It was also reported about results of the project Coca-Cola (Bon Aqua, UNDP), "Every Drop Matters".
Questions were answered by representative of Coca-Cola, Kanukova Maria; Project Manager of UNDP/GEF Project, Sergey Kudelya; Baikal Informational Centre Manager, Elena Perelygina; Chairman of the Board of “Baikal big trail” - Buryatia, Andrey Suknev. The group visited the trail section in Chivyrkuisky Bay and met with projects in Turka.

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"Baikal dialogue" Forum

"Baikal dialogue" Forum

Event details


Aug 17, 2012 02:15 PM to
Aug 21, 2012 02:15 PM


Ulan-Ude, Russia

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Baikal forum"Baikal Dialogue" Forum took place in Buryatia, 17 - 21 August, 2012. This forum was dedicated to the problems of Baikal natural territory. The forum is organized by State Duma Committee on Natural Resources, Environment and Ecology; parliamentary group "Baikal"; the Government and National Khural of the republic of Buryatia; the Fund for Protection of Lake Baikal.
The forum purpose is to create a permanent inter-regional discussion platform on a regular basis for the development and preparation of proposals for the preservation of Lake Baikal and sustainable development of the Baikal region.
UNDP/GEF “Integrated Natural Resource Management in the Baikal Basin Transboundary Ecosystem” Project Manager Sergey Kudelya made his report on the implementation of the project.



Document Actions

Meeting in Zabaikalsky National Park

Meeting with administration of Zabaikalsky National Park

Event details


Jul 28, 2012
from 11:10 AM to 11:10 AM


Ulan-Ude, Russia

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On 28 July, 2012 a meeting between the Project manager Sergey Kudelya and Director of Zabaikalsky National Park Michael Ovdin. The areas of cooperation were identified and joint action plan was discussed during the meeting.

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Volunteer ecologic camp

Opening of summer volunteer ecologic camp in Sukhaya village (Buryatia).

Event details


Jul 18, 2012
from 10:55 AM to 10:55 AM


Kabansky district, Buryatia

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SukhayaOn 18th July a summer volunteer ecologic camp was opened in Sukhaya village (Buryatia) at participation of Sergey Kudelya, Project Manager of “Integrated Natural Resource Management in the Baikal Basin Transboundary Ecosystem”; Boris Danilov, Director of the Fund for Protection of Lake Baikal and representatives of mass media. Construction and improvement of ecologic camp started on 13 July. During the first 4 days a temporary storage for garbage was organized. Daily ecological raids were conducted.

Document Actions

V International Scientific Conference “Selenga – river without borders”

“Selenga – river without borders” Theoretical and practical conference in Ulan-Ude

Event details


Jul 17, 2012 10:50 AM to
Jul 18, 2012 10:50 AM


Ulan-Ude, Russia - Ulan-Bator, Mongolia

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Integrated Natural Resource Management in the Baikal Basin Transboundary Ecosystem issues were discussed at the V International Scientific Conference “Selenga – river without borders” in Ulan-Ude. Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources employees expressed concern over chemical contamination of Selenga groundwater.

National Project Technical Director Mongolia, Munkhbat Tserendorj and Bioresources and Data Management Expert, Larisa Radnaeva made reports at a conference on the implementation of the project.

The matters discussed on the conference were: the status of transboundary waters, the use, protection and restoration of water bodies in the Selenga basin, improving of inter-state regulation in the field of water relations. New treatment and disinfection technologies of drinking water and wastewater were presented at the conference.

The second phase of the conference was held in the capital of Mongolia - Ulan-Bator.


Document Actions

Conference of working group

Conference of working group for preparation of Russian-Mongolian plenipotentiary meeting

Event details


Jul 17, 2012 10:55 AM to
Jul 18, 2012 10:55 AM


Ulan-Ude, Russia - Ulan-Bator, Mongolia

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Annual workshop (Dundee, Scotland)

3rd Annual workshop on International legislation and transboundary freshwater.

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Jun 11, 2012 09:45 AM to
Jun 14, 2012 09:45 AM


Dundee, Scotland

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International law related to transboundary freshwater serves three basic functions: (1) it defines and identifies the legal entitlements and rights and obligations tied to water use, providing the prescriptive parameters for its development; (2) it provides a framework for ensuring the continuous integrity of the regime, i.e. through monitoring, regulation, compliance, stakeholder participation, dispute avoidance and settlement; and (3) it allows for rational modifications of the existing regime, in order to be able to adapt to the constantly changing needs and circumstances.

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UNOPS IWC Management Workshop

UNOPS International Waters Cluster Management Workshop

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Jul 09, 2012 10:45 AM to
Jul 11, 2012 10:45 AM


Copenhagen, Denmark

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"Clean shoreline of Selenga"

Shoreline cleanup public event

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Jul 07, 2012 03:50 AM to
Jul 09, 2012 03:50 AM


Lake Baikal, Selenga, Russia

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The UNDP/GEF project "Integrated Natural Resource Management in the Baikal Basin Transboundary Ecosystem" has supported shoreline cleanup public event “Clean shoreline of Selenga” on 07-09 July 2012 within the Ulan-Ude city. At the end of event about 300 garbage bags were filled with garbage from Selenga shoreline by the volunteers.

Document Actions

Biannual meeting

Biannual meeting of UNDP ecosystem management and adaptation projects

Event details


May 30, 2012 09:45 AM to
May 31, 2012 09:45 AM


Sofia, Bulgaria

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SofiaThe ECIS biodiversity and ecosystem-based adaptation portfolio has a total of 40 ongoing projects and several projects under development. Expansion and increased effectiveness of national protected area systems remains the main area of intervention. About 80% of all biodiversity projects of UNDP in the region deal with protected areas. The cumulative effect of the ECIS natural resources portfolio on biodiversity and land status is substantial: UNDP projects have helped to establish over 30 protected areas (PAs), and has successfully enhanced capacities of about 100 other PAs. Over 50 mln ha have been targeted by BD mainstreaming activities, of which over 10 mln ha belong to biodiversity hotspots. There is progress in designing vulnerability assessments and tools for ecosystem based adaptation. By late 2011, sixteen projects went through final evaluations producing some generic lessons for the region. While over 80% of projects have been rated as satisfactory or highly satisfactory, one of the repeated comments emerging from many evaluations relates to weaknesses in the design of the logical frameworks, especially with a view to measuring the real conservation impact (be it on the species, or ecosystems level), as well as to actual tools involved in monitoring the success of the project. Clearly, this is one of the areas for UNDP improvement. This meeting brings together the front line force of UNDP ecosystem projects (BD and ecosystem based adaptation) in order to present and brainstorm on lessons learnt, with a view to help improve the design of UNDP projects, as well as train the project managers in better design, analysis, monitoring and reporting on conservation impact of the projects which they manage.

Document Actions

Baikal state natural biosphere reserve

PMU meeting with administration of Baikal state natural biosphere reserve.

Event details


May 29, 2012
from 09:35 AM to 09:35 AM


Kabansky district, Buryatia

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reserveThe project delegation visited Baikal state nature biosphere reserve in Tankhoi (Kabanski distr., Buryatia) in 29 May 2012. The sides discussed prospects of ecotourism development in reserve, entered engagement on the structure of the work to be performed under the contract “Biodiversity compatible tourism plan for Baikal state nature biosphere reserve”. Special attention was paid to the influence of tourism on protected areas and the assessment of eco-tourism in the reserve.

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Olympiad of schoolchildren

Olympiad of schoolchildren on ecology

Event details


May 28, 2012
from 09:30 AM to 09:30 AM


Ulan-Ude, Russia

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Awarding (ecologists)Awarding of winners of The Russian National Competition of schoolchildren water projects, which was carried out with the support of the GEF-UNDP project on 26 May 2012.

Document Actions


TDA Consultant and Scientific Advisory Group Leader, application period: 2012 May 03 - 2012 May 27

Project is looking for TDA Consultant and Scientific Advisory Group Leader. VA is published on UNOPS official web site.

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Project Administration and Finance Officer (Mongolia), application period: 2012 May 03 - 2012 May 30

Project is looking for Project Administration and Finance Officer (Mongolia). VA is published on UNOPS official web site.

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Communication and Public Awareness Expert - Russia; application period: 2012 April 30 - 2012 May 30

Project is looking for Communication and Public Awareness Expert (Russia). VA is published on UNOPS official web site:

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Communication and Public Awareness Expert - Mongolia; application period: 2012 April 30 - 2012 May 30

Project is looking for Communication and Public Awareness Expert (Mongolia). VA is published on UNOPS official web site:

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Training Expert - Mongolia; application period: 2012 April 30 - 2012 May 30

Project is looking for Training Expert (Mongolia). VA is published on UNOPS official web site:

Document Actions


Environmental and Water Resources Management Consultant for sub-basin Tugnuy-Sukhara watershed/Buryatia, Russia; application period: 2012 April 30 - 2012 May 30

Project is looking for Environmental and Water Resources Management Consultant for sub-basin Tugnuy-Sukhara watershed/Buryatia, Russia. VA is published on UNOPS official web site:

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