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Results & reports

FileBaikal Project 2012-2015 results&events booklet - web.pdf
FileBaikal Project 2012-2015 results&events booklet - good quality.pdf
FileBaikal Project 2012-2014 results&events booklet
FileBaikal Project 2012-2013 results&events booklet
Baikal Project 2012-2013 results&events booklet
2015 UNDP Reports
2014 UNDP Reports
2013 UNDP Reports
2012 UNDP Reports
Quarterly reports, prepared for United Nations Development Program
Mid-Term Evaluation
Terminal Evaluation
TDA first workshop
TDA second workshop
The first groundwater meeting
The second groundwater meeting
ICA - Reports
Reports of Individual Consultants
Ecological Atlas
File008 - Selenga benthos
RFQ_EMO_2012-008, Study on the Selenga Delta habitat and the health of the benthic zone
File009 - Selenga water
RFQ_EMO_2012-009, “Study on Selenga Delta water quality issues”
File011 - Database for modeling
RFQ_EMO_2012-011, “Database for modeling and simulation of pollutants transport in the Baikal Basin”
File012 - Harmonized water quality monitoring program (ENG)
RFQ_EMO_2012-012, “Harmonized water quality monitoring program for the Baikal Basin”
File012 - Harmonized water quality monitoring program (RUS)
File012 - Harmonized water quality monitoring program (MNG)
File013 - Strategy for disposal
RFQ_EMO_2012-013, “Strategy for (dead) livestock disposal”
File016 - BIC Conception for Russia
RFQ_EMO_2012-016, “Baikal Information Center (BIC) Conception”
File021 - (BSU) Ecological Plan
RFQ_EMO_2012-021, “Ecological Education Enhancement Plan (Buryatia)”
File021 - (MSU) Ecological Plan
RFQ_EMO_2012-021, “Ecological Education Enhancement Plan (general)”
File021 - (ZabGGPU) Ecological Plan
RFQ_EMO_2012-021, “Ecological Education Enhancement Plan (Zabaikalsky krai)”
File027 - Harmonized program and hotspot analysis (Mongolia)
RFQ_EMO_2012-027, “Developing Harmonized water quality monitoring program for the Baikal Basin in Mongolia and accomplishing the initial Pollution Hotspot analyses”
File028 - Shoreline cleanup for Russia
RFQ_EMO_2012-028, “Shoreline cleanup campaigns for Lake Baikal and the Selenga River”
File029 - BIC Conception for Mongolia
RFQ_EMO_2012-029, “Baikal Information Center (BIC) Conception for Mongolia”
File030 - Shoreline cleanup of Hovsgol
RFQ_EMO_2012-030, “Shoreline clean-up of Hovsgol lake and setup of a water sanitation zone in Khatgal village”
File032 - (Preliminary report), Tourism plan for ZNP
RFQ_EMO_2012-032, «Biodiversity compatible recreational tourism plan for Zabaikalsky National Park»
File012, 027 - The joint harmonized program
The harmonized program, developed by the both tenderers
File009 - Summary report (RUS)
File009 - Summary report (ENG)
File008 - Summary report (RUS)
File008 - Summary report (ENG)
File014 - Combined evaluation for BSNBR
RFQ_EMO_2012-014, «Biodiversity compatible tourism plan for Baikal State Nature Biosphere Reserve»
File014 -Tourism impact for BSNBR
RFQ_EMO_2012-014, «Biodiversity compatible tourism plan for Baikal State Nature Biosphere Reserve»
File014 - Tourism plan for BSNBR
RFQ_EMO_2012-014, «Biodiversity compatible tourism plan for Baikal State Nature Biosphere Reserve»
File061 - eco-tourism round table.pdf
File061 - Training for stakeholders.pdf
File032 -Tourism plan for Zabaikalski Park
File055 - POPs booklet
File055 - POPs booklet MNG
File035 - Shoreline cleanup.pdf
RFQ/EMO/2013-035 (IWC-78317) «Shoreline and ice cleanup campaigns for Lake Baikal and Selenga River»
File038 - Intercalibration Mongolia
RFQ/EMO/2013-038 (IWC-00078317) “Intercalibration of analytical procedures for analytes, included into harmonized program of hydrochemical monitoring for Selenga river basin (Mongolia)”
File039 - Intercalibration Russia
RFQ/EMO/2013-039 (IWC-00078317) «Intercalibration of analytical procedures for analytes, included into harmonized program of hydrochemical monitoring for Selenga river basin (The Russian Federation)»
File040 - Setting up the model of pollutants transport
RFQ/EMO/2013-040 (IWC-00078317) «Setting up the model of pollutants transport and water balance in the Baikal Basin»
File041 - Pilot project mining Djida Russia
RFQ/EMO/2013-041 (IWC-00078317) “Development of optimal technological solutions for safe storage, retreatment, neutralization and utilization of toxic substances, contained in waste products of inoperative mining enterprise “Dzhidinsky”
File042 - Pilot project mining Holodn. Russia
RFQ/EMO/2013-042 (IWC-00078317) “Development of technological solutions for minimization of anthropogenic impact of adit mine waters of Kholodninsky poly-metal deposit on water ecosystems”
File044 - Eco-trail Yangima
RFQ/EMO/2013-044 (IWC-00078317) Biodiversity compatible tourism plan for the site of goddess Yangima representation of face on stone near Bargusinski Buddhist Temple, village Yaricto, Buriatiya, Russia
File065 - Cedar Alley
RFQ_GPSO_2013-065 (IWC-78317) “Extension of eco-trail “Cedar Alley” and enhancement of biodiversity compatible comprehensive botanical tour for it in the Baikal State Nature Biosphere Reserve, Tankhoi, Buriatiya, Russia »
File057 - Pilot project Holbinsky, Russia
RFQ_GPSO_2013-057 (IWC-78317) “Development of technological solutions for minimization of anthropogenic impact of ore gold mining and processing enterprises on environment ”
File063 - Fish habitat
RFQ_GPSO_2013-063 (IWC-00078317) «Model sub-basin Essential Fish Habitat in Russia»
File045 - Eco-travel tour BSNB Reserve
RFQ/EMO/2013-045 (IWC-00078317) «Complex eco-travel tour for the Baikal State Nature Biosphere Reserve»
File061 - Round table and training
FilePOPs study guide and trainings
File048 - BIC Ecological Atlas Russia (preliminary).pdf
File059 Hubsugul cleanup.pdf
File010 - Eg sub-basin watershed management plan (Mongolia)
File010 - Ider sub-basin watershed management plan (Mongolia).pdf
File010 - Orkhon- Selenga sub-basin watershed management plan (Mongolia) .pdf
File062 - Ushkanyi, Podlemorye (Preliminary report).pdf
File047 - Maps and description (MNG)
File048 - Maps and description (ENG)
File048 - Maps and descriptions (RUS)
FileUNESCO Groundwater Final Report Eng
FileUNESCO Groundwater Final Report Mon
FileUNESCO Groundwater Final Report Rus
File066 - Baikal and Selenga Shoreline Cleanup
File068 - Intercalibration Russia
File069 - Intercalibration (Mongolia)
File070 - Baikal treasure workshop
File072 - Reserved necklace Film (conception, techical report)
File073 - Reserved necklace journal (title only)
File074 - Birdmen training (technical report)
File077 - Pilot project mining (Nikolskoye)
File079 - Mongolian fieldwork
File080 - Sorozhya bay (technical report)
File081 - Inspectors workshop
File082 - Khankhoiskaya bank, Khoboi cape
File083 - Report Eg River cleanup
File084 - IWRM training
File036 - Delta monitoring (technical report, Q4-2014)
File040 - Model
File047,048 - List of maps
File050 - Biennial state report (RUS)
File045 - Eco-tour
File062 - Uskhanii islands, eco-tourism plan.pdf
FileMagazin "World of Baikal" - special edition
FileMagazin "World of Baikal" - special edition in Russian
File231292e Water and Sanitation in Selenge River Basin in Mongolia
File231293e Water Quality of Kharaa River Basin in Mongolia
FileState of the Enviroment Report. The Lake Baikal Basin (2012-2013) Eng.pdf
FileThe Ecological Atlas of the Baikal Basin Eng.pdf
File060 - Evaluation of effectiveness in IWRM (final report, OECD)
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