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In Full HD (Mongolian): Documentary "Baikal without boundaries"
Энэхүү киног бид гариг дэлхийн гайхамшигтай усан объект - Байгаль нуурт зориулсан юм. Байгаль нуурын сав газар хоёр улсад харъяалагддаг. Байгаль нуур хэрхэн бүрэлдэн тогтсон хийгээд , түүний сав газар гэж чухам юу болохыг харуулах нь бидний зорилго. Энэ гайхамшигт нуур дэлхий дээрх хамгийн цэвэр тунгалаг усыг ямар хязгаар нутгаас хураан авдаг юм бол? Ямар учраас Евро-Азийн төв цэгт цэнгэг усны жинхэнэ нөөц болсон далай бүрэлдэн тогтсон юм бол? (Full HD, 39 min)
Located in Gallery / Video
In Full HD (English): Documentary "Baikal without boundaries"
The geographical scope of the movie is the whole Baikal Lake basin that extends to two countries, Russia and Mongolia, and encompasses waste territories with rivers bringing waters to the lake. The Baikal Lake Basin is home to several architectural and natural landmarks, as well as rare scientific artifacts. The main message of the documentary is to make the global community aware of the problems that the Baikal Lake Basin is facing and the need to preserve it as a unique natural, ecological and social and cultural phenomenon (Full HD, 39 min).
Located in Results
In Full HD (English): Documentary "Baikal without boundaries"
The geographical scope of the movie is the whole Baikal Lake basin that extends to two countries, Russia and Mongolia, and encompasses waste territories with rivers bringing waters to the lake. The Baikal Lake Basin is home to several architectural and natural landmarks, as well as rare scientific artifacts. The main message of the documentary is to make the global community aware of the problems that the Baikal Lake Basin is facing and the need to preserve it as a unique natural, ecological and social and cultural phenomenon (Full HD, 39 min).
Located in Gallery / Video
Фильм в FullHD качестве (Русский): Байкал без границ
Это рассказ о том, из каких стран и земель, по руслу каких рек в озеро Байкал попадает вода, его питающая. Фильм снят в форме увлекательного кинопутешествия, зритель окажется в самом центре русской Сибири и в бескрайних монгольских степях. Маршрут киноэкспедиции составил 10 000 километров по обширному живописному пространству водного бассейна озера Байкал. Зритель увидит заповедники и национальные парки, крупнейшие города региона - Улан-Удэ, Иркутск, Улан-Батор и народы, проживающие в этих краях. Большой международный коллектив ученых стал участником проекта и его консультационным советом. (Full HD, 39 мин).
Located in Gallery / Video
FileUNDP Q2 2015 Report (Rus)
Located in The Project / Results & reports / 2015 UNDP Reports
Mongolia Named as Global Host of World Environment Day 2013
Located in Events
ICA - Reports
Reports of Individual Consultants
Located in The Project / Results & reports
File020 - Climate Change (Russia)
Final report, 020 - Climate Change Expert
Located in The Project / Results & reports / ICA - Reports
XI Plenipotentiary meeting
XI Plenipotentiary meeting on implementation the agreement between the Governments of the Russian Federation and Mongolia on the Protection and usage of transboundary water resources.
Located in Events
Located in The Project / TDA